February 5, 2009 journal, this administration turning to faith organizations to help crisis. The dollar days are over and we must go back to the solid earth to find support for life. After losing Washington Mutual the State of Washington is trying to pass an extreme DNA law for minor offenses. The Bible says call no man a fool but this is tempting. Let them and their DNA be flushed down the toilet. The mayor of Lansing Michigan was on television saying Washington is a bunch of bull crap while he is begging for the stimulus package to start new industry to make superior cars and he is worth listening to in my opinion. While we are dependent on the dollar then the dollar collapses. We are led to the trough by the phony dollar and the phony Fed in offering phony help when we are in great distress while propping up the falling stock market daily we are telling a woman she cannot have 8 kids and that is all you are hearing now. Government has too much control. Go ahead and print the money until this is completely fails. I say give them the stimulus. Give everybody stimulus money. The Republicans want to give it only to taxpayers that pay federal taxes and not to the poor and needy that would spend it immediately even though that is what they need is for it all to be spent immediately. Poor folks spend it all. The national debt doubled in the last 8 years and the new president says that he had this mess on his hands when he entered the Oval Office. Leon Panetta says he will not pursue prosecution of CIA agents that tortured because they were following the president's order. The world prosecuted German and Japanese who tortured war prisoners during WWII. Things must have changed since then that we condone torture. This is really frightening. One good report is that Fox propaganda Empire is hemorrhaging money economically. 3.6 million people have lost their jobs in America since Jan. 08 and now faster than ever. 600,000 jobs lost in January 2009 and is climbing as this depression deepens with no end to it in site. The bottom has fallen out of this economy. Stand back out of way of crash. Good news. Obviously, legal advice to the local sheriff is not to indict Michael Phelps because the evidence may be phony. They say they must have hard evidence. Yes, control of pharmakia legal and illegal xd*r*u*gs is a product of politics. The Mexican emigrants issue is political. They are the greatest workers, we need them. I did 2 paintings on the White Phosphorus cast on Gaza so hot it melts the flesh off their bones and so many families got hit, 13-1300 dead in that massacre. Most of these weapons of mass destruction are supplied by America. There are 2 sides to every issue but we only hear one. Fox News empire is hemorrhaging money according to MSNBC Keith Olbermann countdown program available on internet at crooksandliars.com Dick Cheney is still spewing his fear mongering over closing Guantanamo Bay torture prison. If we fail to prosecute the past administration for war crimes then we owe an apology all over again to the victims of the Holocaust. George terminated the law. Visual art is the very best universal communicator of any language in all of the world. I am noticing more homeless people here entire families living in cars and under bridges even though this area is the most progressive and housing prices are staying high because of the influx of people from the northern states especially Michigan. The BMW project cost the city state and federal government $1 billion yet they have not paid $1 in taxes to anyone, no income-tax or property-tax. BMW was given 50 years tax free on their manufacturing facility and they sell all their cars at cost referring taxation to Germany, therefore not incurring any corporate tax liability to any United States government. All their workers are employed by a shell corporation contracting to BMW so they are not held responsible for them. They have laid off 750 workers recently and plan more layoffs in the near future. They have been here now for about 13 years and their pay scale is only about two-thirds of what it is in Germany. The state purchased & gave them 1,200 acres. The real economic depression has just begun. Like the USAirpilot said, brace for impact. The national debt has doubled in the last eight years while 3.6 million lost their jobs in the last 12 months and most of it in war chasing a mysterious enemy. One great tragedy unreported is the disappearance of 1 million Christian people from Iraq that lived safely under Saddam but killed or driven out under U.S. occupation. Even though most of them may have been Catholic and not Protestant, I view all people as human beings regardless of religion and I believe God does as well. Murder is murder in war or peace of any people including the unborn. The unreported Iraqi casualties I believe are over 1 million Not counting the one million Christians. Millions are in the refugee camps in the desert. The 4 horsemen of the Apocalypse has been and is being fulfilled to the final hour. We are seeing prophecy being fulfilled with the Antichrist in the world for 1400 years, the wars of the 20th-century ending with Iraq fulfilling the red horse and now a famine coming in America and the world, the gray horse. I believe we will see starvation of 1/3 of people. America can expect to see roving gangs taking everything from homes and businesses therefore fulfilling the black horse of Revelation Chapter 6 bringing death. List of foods that can be stored-honey, dried beans, cheese, pork and beans and other canned goods. chocolate, potatoes, cocoanut oil, pure water, dried milk, peanut butter, rice. please add to my list. Forgive me for expressing my opinion. Sincerely-William "At heart, Cheney is not interested foremost in protecting this country. He is interested foremost in protecting Mr. Cheney. And the business of being Dick Cheney, of ration-alizing one's own existence after one of the most reprehensible, myopic, unprincipled, and even un-American careers in the history of our government, depends on continuing to convince the gullible of us to live in abject fear and not with vigilance and common sense and principles. We, sir, will most completely assure our security not by maintaining the endless, demoralizing, draining, life-denying blind fear and blind hatred which you so thoroughly embody. We will most easily purchase our safety by repudiating the "B*us*h System." We will reserve the violence for which you are so eager, sir, for any battlefield to which we truly must take, and not for unconscionable wars which people like you goad and scare and lie us into. You terrified more Americans than did any terrorist in the last seven years, now it is time for you to desist, or to be made to desist". Keith Olbermann.